About Creative Seeds
Embracing the power of nature, art, and play to support families in raising healthy children
Hello, my name is Brittany. I have been working in early childhood education for over 8 years. I grew up in the Calgary area and am proud to continue to serve this community through Creative Seeds.
I have a natural passion for the great outdoors and was raised on the importance of art and community. I was a competitive dancer for most of my formative years and am now a certified jazz dance teacher. I also carry my early childhood education worker certification here in Alberta, as well as my field leader hiking guide certification through the Outdoor Council of Canada.
The learning experiences I have had in my time as a leader, guide, and teacher have taught me about the importance of connection, being playful, and being creative. These are lessons I look to pass forward in all programs I provide. I believe that when we come together to be creative, embrace the outdoors, support each other, and be playful, we can raise healthier generations.
Creative Seeds was born because I saw an opportunity to support families through these powerful ideas. Join us as we explore the intersection of art, nature, play and community.